Final Pro Club of 2024
Service Description
Hit with Canterburys best players and have a cold beer after !
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Members are allowed to reschedule a lesson when 24 hours’ notice is provided. If no notice is given, the full lesson price will be be charged to your account. If you are late to a lesson, our coaches are unable to push your lesson back due to other bookings. In the event of rain stopping play, your lesson will be postponed to another time slot later in the same week. You will be notified by your coach, If you are not contacted by your coach, assume tennis is still going ahead. In the unlikely event that a coach cannot attend a session, a substitute coach may be called in. If a substitute coach is unavailable, a make-up session will be provided at an alternative time.
Contact Details
Wilding Park Woodham Road, Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand